Is sraith priontaí dár n-ainmhithe dúchasacha le rímeanna simplí iad Lapa Beag, a spreagann dúil sa teanga idir liath agus leanbh. Creideann muid go dtéann bithéagsúlacht an phláinéid, cultúir agus mionteangacha le chéile agus go gcaitheann muid iad a chosaint.
Lapa Beag are a series of prints based on our native animals with simple rhymes in Irish inspiring a love of the language in young and old alike. We believe protecting our planet’s biodiversity, cultures and minority languages go hand in hand and each of us can make a difference. Lapa Beag prints are made with eco-friendly materials and printing processes.
Co. na Gaillimhe/ Co. Galway
My Shop...Granny likes it, Galway
Co. an Chláir/ Co. Clare
Laura Vaughan Design Studio, Ennis
Co. Chorcaí/ Co. Cork
Cork Flower Studio, Douglas Street, Cork
Co. Bhaile Átha Chliath/ Co. Dublin
Moo Market, Dublin
Designist, Dublin (Cards only)
Co. Liatroim / Co. Leitrim
The Leitrim Design House
Dá mba mhaith leat stoc a fháil isteach, déan teagmháil linn. If you would like to stock our prints, get in touch!
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